Date: Phew, if only we knew THAT…

Hot times back then, when Paradise City “burned down”… It’s a good thing that we were able to quickly find a new place to live in Angel Falls. Our „Backstage“ right at the entrance to the city is a really great location – you can make something out of it…
Date: prehistoric times
In the beginning was the guitar –
then came the big bright light –
and now WE are here…
„With 2000 WATTs in our baggage we jet through the contaminated wasteland from one place to another, to get celebrated as The Rockstars of the Apokalypse. Besides we also make some music…“

General MiDI remembers: „… I grabbed my guitar and left the bunker, to head out and give Rock music back to the world. So I hit the road to find the Spirit of Rock…
… and found it in General PAUSE. PAUSE knew a lot about the aura
and the fuss surrounding rock stars, additionally he could sing well – MegaBosch was born.“

„…somewhere in the wasteland we met Sergeant PEPPER, who almost shot us with his M16-Bass.
We made the first tape recordings for ‚Es ist Geil‘ in the ‚BigStudios‘, a bunker radio studio, and we knew: MegaBosch has what it takes to bite the dragons’ balls.

From this studio we also ‘borrowed’ the 2000-watt-PA, and furthermore grabbed the shit-hot drummer Private PARTS.
By now we are on the road with our MegaMog through the wasteland, leaving behind us a trail of parties, excesses and hot, hard Rock´n Roll!“